Thursday, October 21, 2010

Question Wonder Being

There are times when the question occurred to me: why do anything? The thought of giving in to utter despair to not do anything had crossed my mind. It has crossed my mind before. Perhaps, this is a component of being human… questioning.

When situations, relationship don’t seem to be going well: why continue? The thought of not continuing had crossed my mind. It has crossed my mind before. Perhaps, this is a component of being human…wondering.

From the ground, beaten into silence: why be? The thought of not being had crossed my mind. It has crossed my mind before. Perhaps, this is a component of being human…being.

Questioning and being open to the answers presented is an uncomfortable place. It takes bravery to gaze into the looking glass and find that all is not right with the reflection. For some it’s the true nature coming through, for others it’s the battle scars of life. However, the growth that comes from questioning may set a soul free from the bondage of the past.

Wondering about people, places, and the situations that appear askew, learning that sometimes it’s the viewer and sometimes it’s the view. Which is which and how do we know? An honest friend who tells the truth, even if it's not what you want to hear is the best determiner of just how off one may be.

Being in the moment, standing still to take the punch one more time. Why? Because sometimes you do things because you have to, sometimes you show up because people are counting on you, sometimes you do the best thing for others because life isn’t all about one person, it’s about everyone.

Question to seek the answers. Wonder to grasp the meaning. Be in the now to experience life.

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