Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Green Clean = Clean Environment

Benefits of Green Clean

Better Health
Clean Environment
Supporting Environmentally Friendly Companies

The last century held a war of germs at the cost of ever increasing numbers of toxic chemicals. Some germs, bacteria, viruses died but some became Super Illnesses threatening the health of an increasing number of people. Hazardous for the elderly and young children Super-bugs are infecting athletes and others in locker rooms and public restrooms with fungus, bacterium and viruses.

One way to avoid a variety of Illnesses is to keep your environment clean.



Light Clean – Daily
Wipe All Top Surfaces
There are places such as public restrooms, offices and even some homes that only use this type of cleaning. They need to do more, really.

Regular Clean – Weekly
Bring the cleaning bucket with all the cleaning supplies. Today is cleaning day: Dust, Vacuum, Wash Floors. All daily lightly cleaned areas are really cleaned with cleaner. Wash all towels, bedding, over-clothing aprons, et cetera. Wash all mugs, coffee pots, tea pots, et cetera. Clean keyboards, mouse, screens, shelves, picture frames, et cetera.

Deeper Clean – Monthly
A semi-large cleaning keeps the dust bunnies and cobwebs from collecting. This is the level of clean that gets noticed by guests and the public. Wipe Walls, Light Switches, Door Handles, Tops of Cases, Tops of Fans, et cetera.

Seasonal Clean – Quarterly
Inside and Outside Windows and Screens, Railing, Curtains, and Behind Appliances in this three-month cycle of clean. This is the cleaning that prevents build up of nasty toxins. While cleaning behind the appliances remember to vacuum the vents, this will extend the life of your appliance. Change vent filters in the heating and air conditioning system. If a loved one has allergies you may want to do this more often but a seasonal filter change keeps your indoor air cleaner, reducing pollen and dust. Change water purity filters too.

This is a great time to prepare a repair list too.

With the recession building management has reduced the number of cleaning personnel and it shows. Cleaning and maintenance should be a high priority because it reduces overall cost of health-care by reducing communicable diseases, and keeps public areas in better repair.

Historical Note
Until recently most Middle Class and all Upper Class Homes had one or more staff members because cleaning was a daily event. For larger homes it was common to have Upstairs and Downstairs Staff as well as Chamber and Scullery Staff.

Good Clean Health!

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