Monday, November 16, 2009

Worldopoly - A New Game

Just a thought I had today for a new game. Rather than Monopoly, which I love but gets boring when there aren’t enough players, is to have a new game, what should we call it? Worldopoly.

The object or goals of the game would be very challenging taking intelligence, economic savvy and a view to a better future. The instruments of measure would not be money but creating the most participation within the game and you’d have to be a business genius with a work ethic to play. There would be a variety of levels.

Of course the top level comes with the most perks but it also requires ruthless ethics and the desire to have the largest “empire” for lack of another term, at the moment.

Contradicting the current situation where downsizing and eliminating players, this game would be great fun because everyone gets to play, which means it’s really challenging because there is so much going on all the time.

Worldopoly requires Captains of Business to create areas of expertise. Within these areas of expertise which can either be specialized or diversified, the goal is to create a working, thriving economy of trade and productivity.

Awards to the Captains in some agreed upon fashion when the largest number of kingdoms for which they derive their awards are busy, useful and ecologically friendly. Awards go to kingdoms when all the units of population households are participating to the utmost in the economic exchange patterns.

Goal of household is exchange within the kingdom is set for the greatest good to the greatest number with the least amount of exploitation allowing for the growth of levels, expertise and career or trade excellence as a goal rather than the most points for the least work. Responsibility levels call for most exchanges but even at the lowest level human rights are protected.

Awards to the lowest level households increase the economic exchange and therefore benefit the kingdom level and the empire level.

Worldopoly offers win-win situations for everyone concerned. Players are allowed to move their pieces to improve themselves, their households, kingdoms and empires which benefits everyone.

No incentive for non-production at the kingdom or empire level. There is no profit in non-production for kingdom and empire. Their challenge is to improve, inspire and motivate participation. More participation at every lower level, benefits them directly.

The goal: to make the best better creates a competition at all levels to strive for personal fulfillment, personal gain through the aid and participation of the players at all levels.

Of course, the greatest risk comes with the greatest responsibility, and the captains want to create the prettiest, best built, ever lasting empire with the happiest people because it feels good to win. And it’s a win-win. There are no loose-win scenarios, that’s too easy.

Oh but here’s the exciting part: it’s a pyramid of overlapping triangles with ratios for population with unit productivity quotients.

Credit for clean environment, debits for hazardous materials factored in on production for the land mass quotient that supports the population. And it’s all based on working, thriving, healthful choices of units.

Units could be a co-operative population number accounting for different life phases. Pluses and Minuses factored in at the kingdom and empire levels for a variety of situations. Health care and vacations factored into a minimal equation of pursuit of happiness points at the unit level so that the minimum could be based on a 2 members + a number of additional or replacement units. All life phases are factored so that monetary “work” and volunteer “work” and household “duties” are valued at as the unit contribution so that all unit needs, as well as societal needs are met.

Bean-counters would find a challenge to factor in all the variables to level a unit production point system. Rewards at the kingdom level grow exponentially with each functioning unit. The glory to the captains not only creates a dazzling level of awe and inspiration of legendary proportion, the competition between empires makes for challenge and intrigue because if captains are unable to have so many productive kingdoms, they loose status, and perhaps the number of kingdoms contributing to the empire is less, because it just too much to handle. Same applies to kingdoms that become less environmentally friendly or have fewer productive units, the leadership risks challenge and replacement by the captains who would directly loose by the bad management or accumulation of non-contributory kingdoms. The win-win model is key to
this game.

Excesses are not allowable and actually cost the player, unit, kingdom & empire exponentially. For example, bad behavior at a player level impacts live-style, lower life-style impact productivity, which impacts unit worth which impacts kingdom totals which impact empire glory. It’s to the empire’s advantage (and possible expansion to greater glory) to encourage higher levels of behavior and ethics.

Kingdom leaders are stretched to include more bright ideas and increase the collective knowledge based in their own responsibility/privilege balance by adding population ratio required contemporaries with which to play/compete.

Allowances are allotted for self-adjustment, change of status and learning curves, however, time limitations and production ratios are more important as shifting organization balances the ratios of number of players, units, kingdom leaders and empire captains with a natural equilibrium. Checks and balances on a new level, new game, that’s Worldopoly.

1 comment:

Ginger B. (Barbara) Collins said...

Kate, I think you might have something with your Worldopoly game! I remember the first time I played RISK. It made me understand how world politics worked. Anything that can help people understand ways to make the world better is a good thing.

Ginger B.